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The Process of Obtaining a Medical Licence For Foreigners in Turkey

The Process of Obtaining a Medical Licence For Foreigners in Turkey

With Decree Law No. 663, foreign doctors and nurses are permitted to work in Turkey. Work permits are granted to those with approved requests. Private healthcare institutions seeking to employ foreign doctors or nurses must apply for a work permit from the Ministry of Health (Provincial Health Directorate) along with the preliminary permit (professional qualification) certificate obtained from the Ministry of Health (Provincial Health Directorate). If the foreign national for whom a work permit is being requested has graduated from a foreign institution, then a certificate of equivalency for their diploma must be submitted.

Working Conditions For Foreign Doctors in Turkey

Decree Law No. 663 repealed Article 1 of Law No. 1219, which previously prohibited foreign doctors from practicing medicine in Turkey. The article was amended to require a medical school diploma for practicing medicine and treating patients in the Republic of Turkey, regardless of Turkish citizenship.

The previous requirement that doctors be Turkish citizens was abolished, thus opening the door for foreign doctors to work in Turkey. In 2012, the Regulation on Private Hospitals, dated 27.03.2002, underwent an amendment granting private hospitals permission to employ foreign doctors and other medical professionals, subject to approval from the ministry.

According to The Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Foreign Medical Professionals Working in Private Medical Organizations in Turkey;

ARTICLE 5 – Foreign medical professionals within the scope of this regulation may practice their profession in private medical organizations provided that they meet the following conditions:

  • Having acquired equivalency of diploma and/or proficiency certificates in the relevant medicine branch and registrations provided by the Ministry of Health,
  • Non-existence of any legal impediment for the medical profession,
  • Competency in the Turkish language,
  • Having obtained residence and work permit in accordance with the applicable legislation,
  • For medical doctors, having professional liability insurance.

Preliminary Permit Application

Foreigners who will work in health services requiring professional competence must obtain prior authorization in the evaluation of work permit applications.

The Documents Required from a Foreign Doctor Who Has Graduated from a Medical Faculty in Turkey

  • Photocopy of the foreign doctor’s passport translated into Turkish,
  • Photocopy of residence permit card,
  • Certificate of domicile (place of residence),
  • Photocopy of the foreign doctor’s medical school diploma,
  • Two passport-size photographs,
  • Letter of the responsible manager requesting the Preliminary Permission Document,
  • Application letter written by the foreign doctor,
  • Service contract signed between a private hospital or medical center and a foreign doctor.

Documents Required from a Foreign Doctor Who Has Not Graduated from a Medical Faculty in Turkey

  • Photocopy of the foreign doctor’s passport translated into Turkish,
  • Photocopy of residence permit card,
  • Certificate of domicile (place of residence),
  • Photocopy of the foreign doctor’s medical school diploma,
  • Two passport-size photographs,
  • Letter of the responsible manager requesting the Preliminary Permission Document,
  • Application letter written by the foreign doctor,
  • Service contract signed between a private hospital or medical center and a foreign doctor,
  • Equivalency certificate issued by the Council of Higher Education,
  • Turkish proficiency certificate issued by the Turkish Language Teaching Application and Research Center,
  • A letter from the Ministry of Health or foreign representatives of the foreign national’s country of origin stating that they have no obstacles to practicing the medical profession.

The institution responsible for issuing the equivalence certificate differs between foreign doctors and foreign specialist doctors. Foreign doctors will receive the certificate from the Council of Higher Education, whereas foreign specialist doctors will receive it from the General Directorate of Health Services of the Ministry of Health.

In both cases, upon completion of the aforementioned documents, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security issues a work permit based on the preliminary permission certificate issued by the Ministry of Health. This work permit enables foreign doctors to practice in private hospitals throughout Turkey.

Work Application


  1. A foreign healthcare professional must submit an application to the private healthcare organization where they intend to work.
  2. The responsible manager shall send the application of the individual seeking employment in a private healthcare organization, along with the documents referenced in Annex-1, to the directorate.
  3. If there are no deficiencies and/or non-conformities in the file, the file shall be sent to the ministry.
  4. The ministry shall evaluate the application file within the plan’s framework and with regard to the documents listed in Appendix-1. If deemed appropriate, the foreign healthcare professional’s diploma shall be registered, and a document shall be issued stating that the ministry has approved them to practice their profession.
  5. After obtaining a work permit and residence permit within the scope of the applicable laws, an application must be submitted to the directorate for the issuance of a personnel work certificate, along with the document mentioned in the fourth paragraph. Once the directorate approves the personnel work certificate, the foreign healthcare professional may begin working in a private healthcare organization.

Annex-1 Documents Required For Application

  • A document proving equivalency of diploma and/or proficiency certificates,
  • A certificate demonstrating success at least B level or above in the Turkish proficiency exam held by Turkish Teaching Application and Research Centers of universities; as this certificate can be submitted until the end of one year following the date of application, and is not requested from the persons graduated from educational institutions offering education in Turkish,
  • A document obtained from the country of nationality evidencing the non-existence of any legal impediment for the medical profession, which is not demanded from those who graduated from educational institutions in Turkey, providing documentation of their residency in Turkey exceeding five years in a row, having taken refuge in Turkey due to the state of emergency in their country,
  • A labor agreement between the foreigner and the employing private medical organization, stating the monthly salary of the professional.

Evaluation and Finalization of Work Permit Applications

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security will evaluate and finalize work permit applications by considering the opinions of relevant ministries and authorities as needed. The ministry will finalize work permit applications within thirty (30) days of receipt, provided that all documents are complete and in order.

If the ministry determines that the application has incomplete documents, the applicant will receive a notification to provide the missing documents. The thirty-day period will begin from the date on which the ministry receives the missing documents.

The ministry informs the Turkish foreign representation (via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of its positive or negative decision regarding the work permit application for applications made from abroad. This is done so that the applicant can be informed. In the case of domestic applications, the employer is notified.

Exemption Status of Syrian National Health Professionals

Provisional Article 1 of the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Working in Private Health Institutions in Turkey, published in the Official Gazette dated 22/2/2012 and numbered 28212, has been amended.

According to provisional article 1 of this regulation, nationals of Syria are exempted from the criteria stipulated in sections (a) and (b) above to enable them to serve foreigners under temporary protection, provided that they shall work at asylum centers established by the Presidency of Management of Disasters and the State of Emergency and immigrant health centers coordinated by the Ministry of Health and approved by this Presidency.

The Regulation on Specialty Training in Medicine and Dentistry dated 26.04.2014 provides for foreign doctors to receive specialty training in health institutions in Turkey. Article 14 of the regulation stipulates that foreign doctors may receive specialty training in Turkey if the conditions specified are met.

Regulation on Specialty Training in Medicine and Dentistry


(1) Foreign nationals;

a) Availability of quotas for foreigners in institutions,
b) Graduation from one of the Faculties of Medicine or Dentistry in Turkey or graduation from one of these faculties abroad and obtaining a certificate of equivalence from the Council of Higher Education for major specialization; obtaining a certificate of specialization from the institutions providing specialization in Turkey or obtaining a certificate of equivalence issued by the ministry within the framework of articles 23, 24 and 25 for minor specialization,
c) Non-existence of any legal impediment for the specialty training,
d) Having obtained a residence permit,
d) Submit a document stating that they will receive a scholarship or that their expenses in Turkey will be covered during their specialty training,
e) Being placed in the relevant program in the entrance exams for specialty education,

(2) Foreigners shall also be obliged to submit the documents proving that they have successfully passed the Turkish language proficiency test, which is conducted by an organization to be determined by the board, in order to measure their proficiency in the Turkish language for the purpose of following professional subjects, no later than one year from the date on which they commence their specialization training. Otherwise, such persons shall be dismissed from their specialization training. Those who graduated from Turkish departments within the faculties of medicine and dentistry in Turkey are not required to provide a certificate of proficiency in Turkish grammar.

Can a Foreign Doctor Open a Medical Practice?

There is no regulation for foreign doctors to open a medical practice. However, if you have dual citizenship, you can open a practice if at least one of your citizenships is Turkish.

Working Conditions of Foreign Nurses

Following the amendment of Decree-Law No. 663 in 2011, nursing has become a profession open to foreigners. The regulations for the working conditions and employment of foreign doctors also apply to foreign nurses.


With the 2014 amendment, the title of midwife is granted to individuals who have graduated from universities, faculties, or colleges in Turkey that offer undergraduate education in midwifery and whose diplomas are registered by the Ministry of Health.

Additionally, those who have completed midwifery education in a foreign school and have had their diplomas approved for equivalence and registered by the Ministry of Health are also eligible for the title. This amendment enabled foreign individuals to practice midwifery in Turkey by removing the requirement of being Turkish from the relevant article.

Professions and Duties Reserved to Turkish Citizens by Laws and Forbidden to Foreigners

  • Dentistry, Nursing (Articles 6 and 63 of the Law on the Practice of Medicine and Medical Sciences),
  • Pharmacy (Article 2 of the Law on Pharmacists and Pharmacies),
  • Veterinarian (Article 2 of the Law on the Execution of the Veterinary Medicine Profession, the Formation of the Turkish Veterinary Medical Association and its Chambers and the Affairs to be Performed),
  • Foreign Assistants to Work Outside of Specialty Training (Article 20 of the Regulation on Specialization in Medicine).

Also Read: Employing a Foreign Medical Doctor in Turkey.

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