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Employing a Foreign Medical Doctor in Turkey

Employing a Foreign Medical Doctor in Turkey

Turkey has evolved its regulations to welcome foreign medical professionals, especially since the amendments in 2011. This article delves into the intricacies of employing foreign medical doctors in Turkey, highlighting the requirements, application process, and the significance of registration with the Chamber of Medical Doctors. Whether you’re a foreign medical professional eyeing opportunities in Turkey or an institution looking to hire, this guide offers a comprehensive overview.

Employing a Doctor From Another Country in Turkey

Before 2011, foreigners could not work in medical professions, whereas amendments introduced by the Statutory Decree numbered 663 dated October 11, 2011, have paved the way for their employment by private medical organizations. If the criteria below are fulfilled, foreigners may be employed as medical doctors.

What Are The Requirements For Qualification of Foreigners as a Medical Doctor in Turkey?

The Law on Methods and Performance of Medicine and Medical Sciences sets forth the requirements for carrying on the medicine business with the title of a medical doctor; the first requirement thereof is graduation from a school of medicine. In this regard, this can be either a medical school in Turkey or outside of its boundaries.

However, foreigners must obtain equivalency for their profession in Turkey. As per Article 5 of the Regulation on Principles and Procedures of Foreign Medical Professionals Working at Private Medical Organizations in Turkey, a medical professional is expected to meet the below criteria:

  • Having acquired equivalency of diploma and/or proficiency certificates in the relevant medicine branch and registrations provided by the Ministry of Health,
  • Non-existence of any legal impediment for the medical profession,
  • Competency in the Turkish language,
  • Having obtained residence and work permit in accordance with the applicable legislation,
  • For medical doctors, having professional liability insurance.

According to Provisional Article 1 of this Regulation, nationals of Syria are exempted from the criteria stipulated in sections (a) and (b) above to enable them to serve foreigners under temporary protection, provided that they shall work at asylum centers established by the Presidency of Management of Disasters and the State of Emergency and immigrant health centers coordinated by the Ministry of Health and approved by this Presidency.


Per the Regulation on Principles and Procedures of Foreign Medical Professionals Working at Private Medical Organizations in Turkey, the professional shall apply before establishing where he/she is willing to work. In contrast, his/her application shall further be conveyed to the competent provincial directorate of health by the responsible manager of the establishment concerned with the following documents:

  • A document proving equivalency of diploma and/or proficiency certificates,
  • A certificate demonstrating success at least B level or above in the Turkish proficiency exam held by Turkish Teaching Application and Research Centers of universities; as this certificate can be submitted until the end of one year following the date of application, and is not requested from the persons graduated from educational institutions offering education in Turkish,
  • A document obtained from the country of nationality evidencing the non-existence of any legal impediment for the medical profession which is not demanded from those who graduated from educational institutions in Turkey, providing documentation of their residency in Turkey exceeding five years in a row, having taken refuge in Turkey due to the state of emergency in their country,
  • A labor agreement between the foreigner and the employing private medical organization stating the monthly salary of the professional.

After the provision of the above, the Ministry of Health evaluates the suitability of the application and provides approval of employment of the relevant foreigner.

Registration With The Chamber of Medical Doctors

Medical doctors who do not work for public institutions and organizations are obliged to be registered with the Chamber of Medical Doctors as per the Law of the Turkish Medical Association. At the same time, this registration must be completed within one month of their beginning to work.

Such obligation also applies to foreigners who have first acquired the equivalency. Such registration is voluntary for those employed by public institutions and organizations. The Chambers of Medical Doctors necessitate submission of the equivalency certificate, approval by the ministry mentioned above, residency certificate, and work permit for such registration.

Also Read: The Process of Obtaining a Medical Licence For Foreigners in Turkey.

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