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Dispute Resolution

There can be conflicts on many issues in interpersonal relations. Disputes arising between spouses, partners, companies, or institutions can be settled through court. MGC Legal can help you with the settlement of disputes in Turkey.

What is Dispute Resolution?

There are many reasons for legal disputes. Failing to fulfill any promise is the main reason for legal disputes. Conflicts can arise in many areas, such as; a company’s naming rights, a domain name, leasing real estate, or a credit-lending transaction. It is necessary to get legal support for the settlement of legal disputes.

Depending on the subject of the dispute, a solution can be found through attorneys, lawyers, or consultants who are experts in their fields. MGC Legal provides professional support in legal disputes. So, what is dispute resolution? What is a legal dispute? What are legal dispute cases? What are MGC Legal legal dispute services? Here are the answers to these questions.

What is a Legal Dispute?

A legal dispute is a concept that points to the judiciary’s authority. That is, jurisdiction requires the existence of a legal dispute. Disputes that cannot be resolved peacefully lead to legal disputes.

A legal dispute is a party bringing a lawsuit against another party due to a dispute. A legal dispute may arise between the parties on different issues. Failure to fulfill a promise is the basis of a legal dispute. Courts are where these disputes are settled or resolved.

What Are Legal Dispute Lawsuits?

Legal disputes may be the subject of various lawsuits before courts and arbitration committees. Courts, where claims are settled legally, make decisions within the law’s framework for settling disputes. Legal dispute cases can be opened on many issues.

What Services Are Provided Under MGC Legal’s Legal Dispute Consultancy in Istanbul, Turkey?

Services provided within the scope of legal dispute resolution consultancy in Turkey may vary depending on the subject of the dispute. There are differences between Real Estate cases and Health Law (Malpractice) dispute cases.

Basically, legal dispute consultancy services are as follows;

  • Investigation of ways of reconciliation with the parties regarding the dispute,
  • Initiation and follow-up of litigation processes,
  • Preparation of documents such as; notifications, warnings, notices, and replies,
  • Arranging contracts between parties when necessary,
  • Giving legal information according to the subject of the dispute,
  • Providing advice to the parties regarding the dispute,
  • Drawing a roadmap within the framework of conflict laws.

MGC Legal provides excellent dispute resolution services in Istanbul, Turkey, with an expert team of lawyers and attorneys with years of expertise.

What Are MGC Legal’s Dispute Resolution Services in Istanbul, Turkey?

We have been representing legal entities and real persons in many complicated and delicate disputes and regulatory matters adjudicated at Turkish Courts of the first instance and appellate courts, local or international arbitral tribunals under the auspices of ICC, SCAI, ISTAC, and through mediation procedures to find an amicable out of court solution to the dispute.

Our goal as MGC Legal has always been to obtain the best possible outcome for our clients through the relentless efforts of our highly skilled litigators equipped with court experience and regulatory knowledge.

Our main dispute resolution practices in Turkey are;

  • Tax Disputes,
  • Real Estate, Construction, and Infrastructure Related Disputes,
  • Civil Law and Commercial Disputes,
  • Corporate and Shareholders’ Lawsuits,
  • Criminal Litigation, especially for Business and White Collar Crimes,
  • Debt Collection and Insolvency Proceedings,
  • Banking and Finance Disputes, including cases related to the restructuring of debt and mortgage,
  • Labor Law related Disputes,
  • Patent and Trademark Infringement,
  • Protection of Personal Data and Privacy Disputes,
  • Competition/Antitrust Disputes,
  • Medical Malpractice Disputes,
  • Family Law Disputes, including divorce proceedings and distribution of marital assets,
  • Insurance Related Claims.

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