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Global Tax Firm Andersen Hosted First Ever Partner Meet in India

Global Tax Firm Andersen Hosted First Ever Partner Meet in India

Global tax firm Andersen hosted its first regional partner meeting in India on October 7, bringing together its partners from India, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific.

In the two-day event titled “The Power of Collaboration” on October 7, senior leaders & partners from 33 countries, including the USA, Australia, Malaysia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, UAE, Turkey, Singapore, Bahrain, Egypt, India, and other nations focused on collaboration, new age opportunities and strategies for the future. Nangia Andersen LLP, the only member firm of Andersen in India, in a statement, said during the meeting, Andersen Global Chairman & Ceo Mark L Vorsatz highlighted the firm’s global expansion plan and new initiatives.

Nangia Andersen Chairman Rakesh Nangia said this was a productive and interactive meeting where partners from more than 30 countries discussed new collaboration initiatives to meet client needs seamlessly. Andersen is one of the world’s largest independent tax firms with more than 11,000 total headcount, 1800 global partners, and a presence in more than 170 countries worldwide.

From MGC Legal, one of the partners of the firm, Mrs. HATOUM, was there. Here is what Hiba HATOUM said about her visit to India:

It is highly beneficial to have people from all over the globe meet under one umbrella: Andersen Global. I was fortunate to meet Andersen’s founder and vice president, Mr. Mark Vorsatz, in person and discuss certain fundamental aspects. I had the chance to speak out my story and let my colleagues know why I had to immigrate from my home country and how I had the opportunity to immigrate to Turkey. I had the chance to show the whole world that Turkey is one of the best countries one can immigrate to, and I had the honor to represent Turkey during India’s meeting. It was a pleasure to meet all the staff and colleagues from all around the world. Mr. Fouad Hourani, it was an honor meeting you as well.

Mrs. HATOUM also talked about immigration to Turkey; when you take the opportunity to immigrate, please take note of the things that you might face:

Visa Approval

There is a significant difference between a visa and a residence permit. Visa is a document granted to you to enter Turkey, whereas a Residence Permit is a document granted to you to stay in Turkey. If you have a visa exemption, this means you are exempted from applying for a touristic visa and does not include other types of visas. Your visa approval is essential to be able to enter the Turkish borders.

Residence Permit Application Approval

Your application’s approval is the most important thing because if you haven’t received your residence permit, or in case your application got rejected, you can only stay in Turkey for ten days after you are notified of the rejection unless you still have some time left in your visa period, in this case, you will be allowed to stay in Turkey until your visa entry expires.

You must leave the Turkish borders within ten days starting from the date you were notified of the rejection, or you have the right to apply for another kind of Residence Permit during the ten-day period in case you were eligible for it.

Finding a Suitable Place to Reside

Finding a suitable place to reside is another impediment you might face while immigrating to Turkey. Your attorney must inform you about the provinces that do not currently provide a valid residence permit. There are some places where your residence permit application will be turned down; please handle the situation carefully.

Finding a Job

You can either choose to work in Turkey or work remotely from abroad. If you decide to work in Turkey, you must either have an employment agreement with the job owner or have your own company or a business established. If you choose to be employed, you must have an employment contract arranged by a Turkish attorney.

Your employer must abide by the 5 to 1 ratio: employing five Turkish citizens to one foreigner. You must also hold a valid residence permit for six months. This makes you eligible to apply for a work permit. On the other hand, if your company is established, you can apply for a commercial residence permit. You do not need to hold a valid residence permit in this case.

Now that you have a valid residence permit, and you have a house to stay in, and a job to work, please enjoy your new life in Turkey. “Hosgeldiniz!

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